National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

General Levin Winder Chapter, NSDAR

Pocomoke City, Maryland


The General Levin Winder Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), takes great pride in its heritage and warmly welcomes all ladies who may be able to prove themselves a direct descendant of an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence. The chapter covers Worcester County, Maryland, and surrounding areas. We hold eight meetings a year. Five meetings are in the Berlin area and three are in the Snow Hill area. In 2016, the chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Our chapter is dedicated to helping the DAR accomplish their goals of historic preservation, education, and patriotism.

We take a special interest in young people by sponsoring the American History Essay Contest in all Worcester County schools. We are proud that our chapter has had at least one winner in the state-wide contest nearly every year. Our chapter also participates in all county graduations by presenting the DAR Good Citizens Award to a deserving senior, and Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) medals to participating schools.

We recognize veterans by attending local veteran events to award certificates of appreciation and commemorative lapel pins to veterans, by signing Christmas cards, collecting items for care boxes, and providing lap robes to Maryland Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals and Coastal Hospice.

If you would like to know more about the General Levin Winder Chapter, NSDAR, please contact us. Thanks!