National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

General Levin Winder Chapter, NSDAR

Pocomoke City, Maryland

Our History

The General Levin Winder Chapter, NSDAR, was organized in 1966 at the suggestion of the then-governor of Maryland, the late Millard J. Tawes. A native of Crisfield, Governor Tawes encouraged the founding of nationally recognized organizations on the Eastern Shore and appealed to his friend Myrtle Polk to undertake this project. Mrs. Polk, a Pocomoke City resident, was serving as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates and became the first regent of our chapter.

The patriot Levin Winder (1757-1819), was born in Somerset County and rose to the position of ranking major general of the Maryland State Militia. Winder also served as Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates, state senator, and Governor of Maryland. General Winder was a member of the Presbyterian Church, served as Trustee of Somerset's Washington Academy, and organized the Masonic Grand Lodge of Maryland. Levin Winder is buried on his Eastern Shore estate.

There were 24 charter members in the original chapter. Myrtle Ashburn Polk was the organizing regent in 1966. We are a growing chapter. In 2016, when we celebrated our 50th year, one charter member was in attendance. The Patriots of our members hail from 12 of the 13 original colonies. No Patriot from Rhode Island yet.