National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

General Levin Winder Chapter, NSDAR

Pocomoke City, Maryland

Our Patriots

CONNECTICUT: Roger Sherman (Signer of the Declaration of Independence)

DELAWARE: John McCabe, George Weldon

MARYLAND: Ens John Aaron, Shadrack Beall, Henry H. Bean, Samuel Bratton, Lt John Brevard, Elias Burbage, Jacob Cassell, William Collier, John Colburn, Valentine Dennis, John Elliott, Lt John Funk, Thomas Gillis, Bennet Greenwell, BGen John Gunby, Joshua Holloway, Lott Hudson, Samuel Lamberson, William Laws, John Locke, Capt Benjamin Merriman, Pryor Posey, Elijah Powell, Zadok Powell, Jacob Rowland, Lt Joshua Rutledge, John Sands, John Selby, Sgt Thomas Stanford, Henry Sterling, James Stevenson, Sgt George Stockman, Thomas Street, Sr., Gabriel Thomas, Seth Whaley, Capt David Wilson, Thomas P. Wimbrow, William Winder, Southy Veazie

MASSACHUSETTS: Lt Daniel Dibble, Peter Josselyn, Sr., Cpl Nathaniel Tower

NEW HAMPSHIRE: David Batchelder

NEW JERSEY: Joseph Allen, Col Joseph Beavers, Joseph Crane, Phineas Crane, Robert Montgomery, John Provost, Baltus Stager

NEW YORK: Jason Horton

NORTH CAROLINA: Jesse Boone, John Booth, Melchior Derr, David Edwards, John Edwards, Sr., Jeremiah Green, John Green, Jesse Lee, William Mullins, Jonathan Stamper, Samuel Stedham, Jesse Taliaferro, David Watson, Jacob Wiesman

PENNSYLVANIA: Jonas Bott, Henry Brinker, Jacob Brinker, Capt John Brisbane, Sr., John Burroughs, George De Vault, Lt James Hayes, Sgt Peter Hoke, George Casper Kohr, George Krantz, Ens Hartman Leitheiser, Capt Robert Orr, Capt John Rutherford, John Ludwig Snyder, Cpl John Peter Snyder, Lt William Swan, Robert Thompson, John Vought, David Woelpper, Kilian Ziegler


VERMONT: Ithamar Hibbard

VIRGINIA: Lt David Ball, John Coombs, Jr., Sgt Southy East, Sgt Thomas Flippen, William Gragg, Jr., Ens James Kelly, Charles Love, Capt John McCoy, Thomas Nelson, James Smith

BGen            Brigadier General

Capt             Captain

Col               Colonel

Cpl       Corporal

Ens     Ensign

Lt                  Lieutenant

Sgt       Sergeant